Harnessing the Heart of an Empath with Matt Kahn

Season #4 Episode #225

Join us for a super vibey interview with multi book, best selling author, Matt Kahn! I absolutely love this episode and we are speaking directly into the hearts of empaths! This episode is like listening to music as we flow through a conversation around what it means to be an empath and how to live fully in our true nature, purpose, and possibility! Matt shares how to thrive, how to love, and how to give your gift to the world! We talk all about the subtleties of empathy that we may not understand and about our most natural way of being. Your empathetic ways do not have to leave you drained, uninspired, and doubtful. This is a powerful episode to better understand how you naturally operate and how to thrive as your most authentic self while also getting to experience a positive impact with the way you love and care for others. You will be given new places to look and and new behaviors that will truly have you loving yourself and your life fully.